RR400 / 410 / 420 - codriver
The programs are multilingual (fr, en, sp, ge, it). Each update contains two files to place at the root of a USB drive (FAT32 formated) by right-clicking on the link, then "Save the (target of) link as ..." and indicate the root of the USB drive. See documentation "User's manual" for the update. Never unpack or unzip theses files (often propose by Apple devices)!
If you have any problems, check the USB drive to ensure that the file names are strictly "application.tar.gz" and "application.tar.gz.md5". If download is performed more than once, the computer appends " (1)", then " (2)" to the file name. If this is the case, thoses numbers must be removed (be careful not to leave a "space" character)
It is not necessary to do the intermediate updates if you have one or more late updates.
Caution: after the update, the system can enter demo mode. In this case, contact us with serial number and follow indications of the documentation "Annex: Program validation code updates"
If the latest programme version is not shown below, refresh the page by pressing F5 or Ctrl-F5
Version 241220 (dated 20/12/2024)
- maintains the programmed distance even when switching to the road page or to the CH management page
- in road page: display of the last 2 distance corrections and option to cancel the last one
- beep added when programmed distance approaches
- differentiated recording of manual "s" or automatic "S" chrono start
- recording of automatic triggering of the GPS Magic procedure
- configuration of distance to maintain opener notes / semi-auto correction
- confirmation message added to recalculate the normalisation table
- addition of the WP index at the top of the navigation WP entry
- changed the text for deleting files to "ALL files in ALL RTs"
- deletion of the unwanted modification of the distance during GPS recos with the use of distance notes
- no longer possible to change distance during GPS recce, except to set to 0
- GPS reception time-out extended at boot-up
- small ergonomic improvements and corrections of minor faults
241220_1 file to download then 241220_2 file to download by right-clicking on the link, then "Save the (target of) link as ..." and indicate the root of the USB drive
Inversed image for welcome screen if you want to return to the original welcome image (as a reminder, you can set your own welcome image). Right click then "save as ..." to your USB drive (at the "root", the very top)
Think of the tutorials on the CRISARTECH Youtube channel French language, please use Youtube subtitles
Known anomalies:
- navigation back to a memorised point beeps continuously within the 50 m circle
Documentation (new doc. in yellow) :
Connection instructions English language, version 240918
User's manual English language, version 241220
Annex: distances auto-correction by GPS English language, version 240918
Annex: Heading navigation English language, version 240918
Annex: help pages English language, version 241220
Annex: display flip (RR410/420) English language, version 211222
Annex: functions for organizers English language, version 240503
Pilot display user's manual English language, version 230901
Installation and use of the GPS signal repeater + Cartograph English language, version 210830
One For All remote control use (new model) English language, version 220808
One For All remote control use (old model). English language, version 181222
Philips remote control use. English language, version 180429
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 241220
Version 240918 (dated 18/09/2024)
- added partial normalisation after the recce (new paying option)
- corrected and improved the ergonomics of heading navigation
- added Italian tubes management, still under development (new paying option)
- new option management: it is now possible to save the codes for each option
- correction of minor defects
Known anomalies:
- unintentional distance modification during GPS reconnaissance using distance notes (OK button on the remote control)
- navigation back to a memorised point beeps continuously within the 50 m circle
User's manual English language, version 240918
Annex: help pages English language, version 240918
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 240918
Version 231219 (dated 19/12/2023)
- reworked entry of manual corrections points and added optional popup comment display. Required to use RMCH 2024 distance files
- added transfer of manual corrections and heading navigation files to the redundant pilot display
- announcement of identical average changes if no degressive display on pilot display
- small functions added to help the user
- correction of minor defects
Known anomalies: none/
Documentation (new doc. in yellow) :
User's manual English language, version 231219
Annex: Heading navigation English language, version 231219
Annex: help pages English language, version 231219
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 231219
Version 231124 (dated 24/11/2023)
- circuit mode with GPS assistance corrected
Known anomalies:
- file transfer from the cadenceur to the redundant driver display is missing
Version 230929 (dated 29/09/2023)
- faster guidance: 5 times per second instead of 2 (to be configured in guidance options)
- addition of a heading navigation page (paying option). The pilot display (non-touch) requires version 230901 or later to display directions and distances
- support for the new redundant acquisition programme (wheel sensors, remote control, etc.)
- average speeds that do not change are no longer advertised
- optimised calculations for a more responsive system
- GPS position display (choice of 3 formats) on the GPS receiver configuration page
- correction of minor defects
Known anomalies:
- circuit mode with GPS assistance no longer works
- file transfer from the cadenceur to the redundant driver display is missing
Version 230515 (dated 15/05/2023)
- correction of the RT number change when entering in the normalisation page
- evolution of the organiser mode (PK named by their distance from the start)
- support of the new LED6-CAN module
- the arming of the chrono completely deactivates the scout recording
- alignment of the the "button box" operations with that of the IRRC
- possibility to configure the data recording period in RT (with correction of the tenth of delay at the start)
- the next average speed is no longer displayed if identical
- added popup asking before correcting the VHRS start distance
- "long Exit" to cancel correction (useful if next box distance prepared, as in semi-automatic correction)
- test if the last GPS correction point is manual or automatic to avoid shaky normalisations
- in GPS reco mode: you can use the note files to have a reminder beep and the ideal distance in the commentary
- automatic detection of the pilot display (with the upcoming pilot display version)
- no longer scans all the RTs as soon as a GPS correction file is modified
- correction of minor defect
Known anomalies: none
Version 230121 (dated 21/01/2023)
- correction of the "colour blind" mode (flashing Leds when leading)
- in shifted start with change of average with reference to the chrono start, correction of distance entry on the fly
- correction of minor defect
Known anomalies:
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
- during the entry of GPS correction points, when you enter the normalisation page, the device returns to the RT number corresponding to the last RT carried out in race mode. To get around this: before starting the entry, select the RT number in the management page (where the average speeds are entered) and then return to the previous page (main page or main menu). Thus the selected RT number is considered as the number for the race li>
Version 221221 (dated 21/12/2022)
- added a function to move a start from a GPS correction file
- added a function to correct the distance of a shifted start in GPS correction mode (GPS crawling...)
- blue button allows to change between advice and correction by GPS (expert mode) now needs to be unlocked in guidance options, to avoid untimely stop of GPS correction
- on the link page, the calculated time is replaced by the estimated lead/delay (based on the average speed to be held on the section)
- in "raid" mode, the first line of the distance/speed file is used to adjust the start distance (when the speed of this first line is zero)
- check of preconfigurations: if none of the 14 individual configurations is modified, the preconfiguration is displayed
- added an advanced test function (analogue control) for wheel sensors (RR410 only)
- many small ergonomic improvements and correction of minor defects
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
- the "colour blind" mode (flashing LEDs when leading) does not work li>
- in shifted start with change of average with reference to the chrono start, the "on the fly" distance entry is wrong li>
Version 220920 (dated 20/09/2022)
- modification of the setting of the GPS points (no more green points)
- possibility to block the "timer" function or the "GPS correction" function for a certain time in order to use the equipment in rallies where these functions are forbidden
- addition of RT order tracking
- the degressive distance to the next prepared distance is now in Km, as well as on the driver display (so you also need to update the RP380 to 220906 version, please contact us)
- possibility to import the distances from the average distance file into the distance file for semi-automatic corrections
- the recording of the position/distance in RT is done 2 times per second instead of 10 so that the system is more reactive (but it is possible to switch back to 10 times in expert mode)
- added "colour blind" mode: the leds blink when you are ahead
- added a function to add/substract km/h to average speed of a whole RT
- added a "mountain" correction function to compensate for calibration differences on uphill and downhill (still under test)
- many small ergonomic improvements and correction of minor defects
Known anomalies:
- a timing error can cause a systematic advance in the "rally-raid" configuration
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
Version 211221 (dated 12/21/2021)
- added Course on all pages, with configuration
- added "cleaning" page (bt "long page" on IR remote)
- moved "partial" and "decreasing" popups
- added configuration of the 1m remote control button in xm
- possibility to replace T2 by T1 for some rallies
- added TC data entry with remote control
- added reminder on main page when clock is shifted
- added automatic (partial) configuration by rally type: RMCH, VHRS, Rally-Raid
- added a GPS receiver configuration page (constellations choice to use) in expert mode
- possibility to modify the trip with touch screen without freezing (press on the right of Trip1). Pressing left freezes, resets the partial and then modifies the frozen distance by pressing the popup button
- configuration of the % of GPS auto correction (40 to 100%) for the RT where the GPS is disturbed (expert mode)
- blue button allows to change between GPS advice and correction (expert mode)
- the instantaneous speed no longer changes colour in RT
- no more need to reboot the device when changing the speed configuration (choice of sensor/OBDII/GPS)
- integration of the "pilot display" function (with transfer of distances/averages)
- verification of distances/averages entered via USB key and display in summary table (with GPS correction waypoints)
- possibility to define a range of RT for which the system looks (start auto detection). This makes it possible to have several sets of correction files in memory and to choose the one to be used
- many small ergonomic improvements and correction of minor defects
Known anomalies:
- a timing error can cause a systematic advance in the "rally-raid" configuration
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
RR400/420 getting started, T&T, with RR420 connections. English language, version 211221
Annex: help pages. English language, version 211221
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 211221
Version 210910 (dated 9/10/2020)
- improvements of the handling of trips on the touch screen
- it is now possible to enter the distance of the shifted start with zero speed to have a correct timing (for Dakar rally for example)
- systematic export of GPS correction files in GPX for Google Earth and Garmin when downloading the files
- circuit mode with GPS: indication every second of real lead / delay
- addition of "no cadencer" mode for rallies which prohibit cadencers
- addition of the management of a name for each calibration (10 possible names per configuration)
- addition of the sending to the pilot display of the partial or decreasing distance (update of the pilot display necessary, contact us)
- many improvements for organiser mode (road sections, 4 GPX files per RT, help to find best average speed for each segment...)
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
- the change of user mode is blocked on "Principiante" if "GPS adjustment option" is not present li>
Documentation :
RR400/420 getting started, T&T, with RR420 connections. English language, version 210910
Annex: help pages. English language, version 210910
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 210910
Version 210208 (dated 8/02/2020)
- correction of the advance / late calculation error in the event of a shifted start with change of speed and parameter non saved
- added checkbox to take into account the corrections "+/- X m." in the total of corrections to refine the calibration
- improved RT log files
- if the popup window with "prepared distance" is open, the +/- 1/10 m keys now modify the real distance and not the prepared distance
- the partial distance popup window is no longer closed after freezing and correcting
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- the installation may overwrite the calibration history file li>
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
Documentation :
RR400/420 getting started, T&T, with RR420 connections. English language, version 210208
Annex: help pages. English language, version 210208
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 210208
Version 201229 (dated 29/12/2020)
- add alert (beep + flash) at the time of pointing in the link page
- displays the total of corrections, calculates the% and stores it for fine calibration, clipboard style
- add button to memorize the correction coefficient calculated during normalization, for fine calibration, clipboard style
- add button to restore the coefficient in the two cases above in the fine calibration
- add automatic departure detection (especially useful in shifted start mode)
- add a consistency test of all the GPS correction files with a page showing the details of each file
- add a calibration coefficients consistency test during the calculation and at the system start
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- advance / late calculation error in the case of shifted start with average speed change li>
- Tires centrifugal swelling compensation parameter is not saved after shutdown li>
- the installation may overwrite the calibration history file li>
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
RR400/420 getting started, T&T, with RR420 connections. English language, version 201229
Annex: help pages. English language, version 200923
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 201229
Version 200923 (dated 23/09/2020)
- added ITALIAN language
- improved GPS measurement under trees
- increased reading the calib file from 100 to 250 lines and proposes to purge the start if necessary
- add +/- 100 m when entering distances in multi-average mode and timing proposal
- based on previous speed (and not on previous timing)
- added "0.000" button for totalizer
- GPX extraction pb correction after Excel editing
- the insertion of a USB key opens a page to propose to copy the files in both directions
- correction of the advance / late calculation error in the case of a delayed start after a average speed change
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- a lead/late calculation error may occur if an attempt is made to change the average speed after a shifted start li>
- the installation may overwrite the calibration history file li>
- if the sensor signal is completely cut off, no "compare GPS" alert li>
RR400/420 getting started, T&T, with RR420 connections. English language, version 200923
Annex: help pages. English language, version 200923
Anhang: Hilfeseiten. German language, version 200923
Version 191221 (dated 21/12/2019)
- % change buttons in front of remote control buttons + help
- freeze stopwatch when distance freeze with OK
- add distance countdown before manual correction by distance entry a priori
- add "partial" trip when freeze
- partial normalization now corrects Trip1
- removal of manual entry of Trip1 or Trip2 in calibration page to avoid "false set to 0"
- fixed the bug in case of missing column "comment" in GPS reco files
- increase correction WP capacity to 990
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- the installation overwrites the calibration history file li>
- WP may be missing in GPX extract after Excel edition li>
- advance / late calculation error in the case of a delayed start after a speed average change li>
RR400/420 getting started, T&T, with RR420 connections. English language Version 191221
Version 190815 (dated 15/08/2019)
- resumption of a calibration from the log file by simple selection of the line
- can block the IR remote control in case of big problems (telephone disturbance for example)
- transformed the "gravel crew" mode into "semi-auto correction" mode
- add cursor in IR remote control distance correction popup
- USB drive copies improvement
- the GPX export now works with longitude around 0
- add the "organizer" mode
- add specific pictograms in GPX for Google Earth
- add instantaneous speed filtering in sensor mode
- add optional masking of the unit meter
- add timing proposal in distance / time mode (mutimoyennes): now possible to enter timing at 100 m.
- no longer necessary to save the distances / speeds so that they are taken into account during data entry during RT
- many small improvements in ergonomics and minor bug fixes ...
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- the installation overwrites the calibration history file li>
RR400/420 getting started, T&T, with RR420 connections. English languageVersion 190815
Annex: help pages. English language Version 190815
Annex: distances auto-correction by GPS. English language Version 190815
Annex: functions for organizers. English language Version 190815
Version 190122 (dated 22/01/2019)
- lead / delay calculation every half-second
- improved sync display / GPS time
- display of important instructions during GPS corrections (change of route indication for example)
- adding the color of the correction points (green / yellow) in GPX file
- addition of the "gravel crew" notes function
- possibility of subtracting a distance in the correction file
- colorization of the adjustments history
- calculation of the distance from the RT start when arming the stopwatch
- display of the number of WPs when arming the stopwatch
- addition of 4WR mode in OBD Mégane4 ABS
- correcting reading of iOS files li>
- support for new LED6 module li>
- formatting USB drive on the device li>
- many small improvements in ergonomics and minor bug fixes ...
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- the GPS export does not work with longitude around 0
- distances are no longer measured on the wheels when measured by GPS (all three distances should be measured continuously for safe operation) li>
- the < and > keys on the remote control set the distance fixed by the remote control to 0 (OK key) li>
Getting started, T&T. English language, with RR420 connexions, version 190122, dated 04/05/2019
Annex: Help pages. English language
Annex: Distances auto-correction by GPS. English language Version 190126
Version 180829 (dated 29/08/2018)
- added multispeed mode
- red led flashes on battery voltage error
- added speed sensor monitoring between them
- many small improvements in ergonomics and minor bug fixes ...
- update detail to download
Known anomalies:
- the GPS export does not work with longitude around 0
- GPS files modified by iOS system can not be read properly
Version 180117 (dated 17/01/2018)
- fixes problem to copy RT prepared files from USB drive to RR400
- add battery voltage monitoring
- add wheel sensors or calibration monitoring (by GPS)
- various small ergonomics improvements and bug fixes
Known anomalies:
- timer display problem: sometimes it is not always refreshed every second. It freezes for 2 seconds and then, either it catches up, or it refreshes with a second of delay. But, internally, the timer is ok and advance / delay are correctly calculated.
- the GPS export does not work with longitude around 0
Version 171219 (dated 19/12/2017)
- automatic corrections by GPS (if option ordered)
- recording NMEA files during scouting
- various small ergonomics improvements and bug fixes
Known anomalies:
- problem to copy RT prepared files from USB drive to RR400: copy does not work with all drives